Dear PhDs,
LEO in association with JUL cordially invite you to join a Meet & Greet event with the Rector Magnificus of Leiden University!
The meeting will take place on Thursday, November 30th, starting at 17:30, in the Beeldention (Academy Building). The first 60 minutes will be covered by a Q&A session with a moderator who will lead the discussion, including free coffee, tea and refreshments. The session will be followed by drinks at the Faculty Club (18:30-20:00), where as always your first drink is on us!
However, for the Q&A session we need your input! So get creative and think about what you would like to know from our Rector 🙂 Submit your question* with the registration form (required), and we will select 10-15 questions which will be asked by the moderator during the meeting.
Due to limited capacity of participants, we recommend that you register as soon as possible at:
Registration deadline is on November 28th, or when maximum capacity is reached.
We hope to see you there!
Your LEO-team
*Example question: “How is it for you, as a professor of Law, to direct a broad research university where many different sciences are represented?”