Survey on the contribution of PhD candidates to Dutch university education.

De Volkskrant, the Netherlands’ most renowned quality newspaper, is investigating the contribution of PhD candidates to Dutch university education. This is done in collaboration with the Dutch interest group for PhD candidates (PNN).

The survey consists of three parts. First, we will ask for some background information. Second, a number of questions about the allotment of your professional time. Third, we will put to you a number of statements about the relationship between education and research.
To take the survey, follow the link:…/1FAIpQLSe1F9QzLAiuC8easw…/viewform

The results of the survey will only be used by the Volkskrant reporters who are involved in this investigation. We would like to ask you to complete the survey before October 18th. Completing the survey will take about ten minutes.

The results of the survey will be processed anonymously. There is an option to enter your e-mail address at the end of the survey if you are willing to answer further questions. Should you have any questions about this survey, you can reach the reporters via the address below.
Reporter at de Volkskrant

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